Introducing the Frozen Tundra Birthday Club

frozen tundra birthday club cupcakes

November 29, 2020

If you ask me, birthdays are the most wonderful time of the year. It is the one day of the year that celebrates you as a person. It should be all about you (sorry, Christmas babies)! (I’ve always thought employers should treat birthdays as a floating holiday. Everyone gets their own birthday as a paid day off. Wouldn’t that be amazing?)

Nothing would make me happier than if I could celebrate everyone in the whole world’s birthday with them personally. Since that’s not very likely (read: remotely possible), I’ve decided to celebrate my own birthday this year by launching the Frozen Tundra Designs Birthday Club. If you join the club, you will receive a sweet birthday deal from the shop. I’m kicking it off with an offer for 50% off any Frozen Tundra item of your choice, but I may very well think of more to throw in as time goes on! You will get an email in your birthday month with the offer code and details, and a celebratory email on your birthday itself. That’s it! No piggybacking marketing emails cluttering your inbox, no global domination scheme collecting personal data, no obligations of any kind. Just a simple birthday gift, from me to you.

How to Sign Up

You can sign up easily through the form below or on my contact page. I’ve also overhauled the email signups, to add pinpoint precision to what sort of updates you would like. So if you want to, you can get specific site updates at the same time. (Signing up for birthday emails does not sign you up for any updates – you need to specifically opt in to those). This makes it easy to stay connected with Frozen Tundra, receiving shop updates (with new additions), news updates, and/or fun science-y background posts straight to your inbox.

If you’ve already subscribed to email updates, but want to join the birthday club (or refine your update lists), you can still use this form! I’ve set it so that filling it out completely resets your preferences to make it easy to manage which lists you’re on. (So check off all options you’re interested in.)

So what are you waiting for? Celebrate your next birthday with Frozen Tundra Designs!

Subscribe to the emails that you want, and only the emails that you want! (Check as many as you want.)

(Lots of Frozen Tundra items are one of a kind. Never miss out!)
(Find out when there are special events, major changes, or massive sales.)
(Learn the science behind it all! Fun and educational posts on featured materials and topics.)



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Keep in touch with Frozen Tundra and get updates on the shop, posts, or birthday offers delivered right to your inbox. Subscribe to the emails that you want, and only the emails that you want! (Check as many as you want.)

Mailing list email image showing birthday club news announcement


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